Sunday 26 July 2015

Why I Love/You Love

Today, my girlfriend and I are celebrating our 14th monthsary.

Fantastic 1 year and 2 months!

Some of you might say, “Oh wala yan! Kami 3 years na.” Or “Kami 7 years na.” Or “Simula high school, kami na. Hanggang ngayon na nagtatrabaho na, kami pa din.”

I salute you. I admire you. You’re such an inspiration.

But my story is different. Can I share it with you?

Back when I was a child, I was attracted to only one person in our school. She was good looking and cute. And I was not. (Now, I understand you if you won’t agree with me.)

I was very thin that if I was assigned to tie the ropes of the flag after our flag ceremony, all the students standing and lined-up were astonished of what they perceived as David Copperfield’s magic trick. Everytime I would stand sideways at the back of the flag pole, I was so thin I would vanish into thin air.

Then I became a teen ager and my attraction (we called it “crush”) to girls would increase in number but my self-confidence does not.

In college? Same thing. Some people say, “hanggang tingin ka nalang.” And they were right.

But I discovered one valuable truth.

In my later years in College, I happen to have attended a prayer meeting called The Feast. The experience was so amazing that I kept attending almost every week.

I experienced the Love of God.

Fast forward, I met this lovely woman who is my co-celebrant today.

How did that happen?  What changed? How can someone like me who was not cute (deliberately italicized the word “was”) can have a gorgeous, wonderful, fantastic, lovely girlfriend?

In 1 John 4:19, it says “We love because He first loved us.”

I began to receive the love of God. And because God loves me, I began to love myself more. And I was able to share that love with my girlfriend until today.

The good news is, God never ceases to love me. He never ceases to love you.

Friends, receive the love of God.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Receive the Very Best Miracle

Right after graduation in college, I remember I prayed the most important prayer of the decade. I was 19 years old then.

I asked, “Lord, please give me a girlfriend now. I have been focused on studying for the past years, following my parents’ advice. I believe I deserve a girlfriend who’s beautiful, kind and will love me unconditionally. I really need a girlfriend now, Lord.”

So I started to browse my list of the people I met that I have a crush on.

I started to date a nurse, a former miss university, a freshman student, and countless more I can’t remember. (Fine! One more only.)

But it didn’t turn out the way I prayed and the way I planned.

I couldn’t find the qualities I was looking for.

Until this “one more” came into my life. I thought she was the one. She is beautiful and kind. So I kept on praying and claiming to God, “Lord, thank you for answering my prayer, for my future girlfriend.”

I was happy that finally my dream is in my hands now.

But I was wrong.

I asked the Lord, “Why? I thought You want the best for me? She is the best person for me that I’ve come to know so far. I’m now turning 23 Lord. Kindly reconsider? She is really the answer to my prayer.”


Sometimes, in our immaturity, we insist our own version of a miracle, our own details, and our own specifics.

And it’s very important to pray with specifics. You need to pray with details. But you don’t insist on them. You only insist on one thing, that God give you the best version of your miracle. And sometimes that best version will not come right away.

Sometimes God’s time is not our time. And God’s way of blessing is not the way that we thought.


After 4 years of praying, looking and searching, just a few days after my 23rd birthday, my dream came true. I have found a girlfriend who’s beautiful, kind and loves me unconditionally. But most of all, she loves Jesus more than I do. And that’s very important for me.


Some of you were praying for something for sometime now and it is as though God is not hearing you. It is as though God is not minding your prayer. I want you to never give up. Don’t give up the dream that God has planted in your heart.

If you’re praying for something right now and you feel so discouraged, I’ve got some encouragement for you. Maybe you’re praying for the wrong version of the dream that He has placed in your heart. The right version is coming but you’ve got to trust in God.

The rain of God for your life will come. Be ready for His surprise.

Receive the very best miracle that you need.

Your friend,

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Try to Remind Yourself to Always be Humble

Today I’m going to talk about humility. It is a word that you can always google on the web. Probably, you’ve heard it many times before in your Christian Living subject when you were in elementary.

But I believe it is a virtue that can be fully understood when experienced a downfall, a setback, a tragedy, a defeat, a temporary failure.

Let me tell you my story.

More than two years ago, I helped my brother (let’s call him John) put up a Pharmacy. To give you a little of my background, I’m a registered pharmacist. And I learned how to run a pharmacy business from my eldest brother (let’s call him Lloyd), who has pharmacies.

When I started, I would often ask advice about accounting from John and business acumen from Lloyd.

I learned fast.

Suddenly, I felt I was the smartest guy in the world and nothing can stop me. Sometimes I dream I wear a red cape and underwear over my pants.

It didn’t take long and the business was thriving and earning a lot of profit. I dominated the market.

Instantly, I was able to buy a car.

I was energetic, enthusiastic and invincible man.

Because I was experiencing success, most of the unsolicited advice I receive from John and Lloyd, I just ignore them. I said to myself, “Hey! I’m on top of the mountain, I don’t need your advice, and I already know these things you’re telling me.”

I never thought of losing. It is almost impossible for me.

And then something happened. Lex Luthor came into the picture.  A group of doctors entered the competition. They lowered their prices to the floor. Sometimes I think they even dug the soil, I can’t even compete anymore.

Almost two years of operations. I closed the pharmacy.

I lost my car.

It was a painful period of my life.

I failed.

I was shocked! I never saw it from a distance. I said to myself, “I was supposed to be superman here!”

Friends, why did I tell you that story?

To remind you.

Are you starting out? A business. A career.

Or are you at the peak of that business or career?

Let me have a word for you: “Try to remind yourself to always be humble.”

After that incident, I pray often. I talk to God and ask Him what He was trying to tell me. All of a sudden, I’m desperate for His attention. And He tells me that same message I’m sharing with you.

Let us be reminded to always be humble.

Praying for you,

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. - Matthew 23:12

Wednesday 30 July 2014

You are the Apple of His Eye

Out of the blue my girlfriend messaged me on facebook, “Nakakaproud at nakakaadmire ka talaga love.” (I’m proud of you and I really admire you.)

Of course I asked her “Why?”

And she told me, “Ang pogi pogi mo kasi!” (You’re the most handsome man I know!) – I failed in translation during elementary days.

I said, “Well, I know that already. Aside from the fact that I have slanted, chinito eyes, that I am very handsome, what else? Why said so?”

She said in reply, “Because you’re a confident humble man.”

Suddenly, I examined my eyesight.

Is my vision clear? Do I need to visit an ophthalmologist and have my eyes checked? Did I read it right? Me, a humble man?

Then she explained the things she observed which made her conclude that I’m both confident and humble guy.

She said that I have many talents, which I share to the world but I don’t brag about it.

And at the back of my mind I said to myself, “Really? Am I that humble? Of all my weaknesses, you still are proud of me and admire me?”

Then it hit me.

God is like that. God is like your girlfriend, your mother, your father, your spouse, your partner. He admires you a lot.

You are the apple of His eye (Deuteronomy 32:10).

You may have flaws and faults. You may have weaknesses and imperfections. But God doesn’t focus on that.

He admires you more than His other creations.

He is pleased and satisfied about you.

Friend, you worship a God who is proud of you and admires you a lot.

Praying for you,

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Actively Wait

“Argh! I wish I have someone I can talk to and share wonderful, great ideas and memories. And even at the silliest of things. Someone a degree higher than a friend. Someone I can call my girlfriend! My significant other!”

That was my battle cry for 23 years.

Actually, it evolved through time. During the first year, my battle cry was “waaaaaaaaa!” Then it became “mam.” Until I can finally cry for “milk!”

Yes, I just turned 23 this year.  And since birth, I had no girlfriend.

Can you imagine how difficult it was for me and for the girls around me? Because school is my priority, I had to turn down every woman that would come up to me applying for that girlfriend position. (As I write this, I lack sleep)

Until I met her.

And I’ve actively waited for her.

Today, I’d like to talk about waiting.

Waiting is probably one of the most difficult things for a single person to do. Inspirational author for single women, Rissa Kawpeng, knew this personally.

She was married at the age of 38.

She said in her book, “I knew that the Lord had someone in store for me because I believed I was called to the married life. But it was the waiting that was killing me! When the pain of loneliness would strike, I'd turn to the Lord and sometimes pray, ‘I know You can do it. In a blink of an eye, You could send that man for me. So why don't You just do it?’ Yes, God has a purpose for making us wait that many times we don't see it. In my case, I now realized that the many years I spent as a single woman wanting to be a bride have equipped me to be an inspiration to countless others on their ‘wait training.’”

I remember during my college days, I told myself to focus on studies first. I’ll be honest, I prayed to God to give me a girlfriend… but not that persistent.

At the time I finished school, it became stronger. And I became more religious. Almost every day I claim to God and thank Him for a girlfriend that is coming my way.

Days, weeks, months and years have passed and the door for that area of my life was still locked and closed.

But instead of hiding myself in bed under my pillows, I started to work on myself. I used my free time to attend seminars. I went to the gym. I launched a blog site. I managed a business. I read a lot of books. I listened to a lot of talks. I met a lot of people and gained new friends. I increased my self-esteem.

I actively waited for the woman of my dreams.

In hindsight, I realized that, like Rizza, those many years I spent as a single man wanting to have a girlfriend have equipped and prepared me to love myself more.

And I believe that by loving yourself more, you’ll have abundant love for yourself that you can’t help but share that love with other people.

Ohh! I almost forgot. During my waiting time, I enjoyed life. I took vacations. Mini ones. This is the part of my life where I met a gorgeous, fantastic woman who would become my girlfriend. Yes! God gave me the key to unlock that closed door of my life.

Now, we are enjoying life together. And we’re actively waiting and preparing for the time when the next level of our relationship presents itself.

If you're single right now, just wait. Actively wait.

Love yourself more.

Increase your knowledge.

Learn a new skill.


Enjoy life.

"Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)"

Praying for you,

Friday 30 May 2014

How Enjoying Life led me to find the Love of My Life

I’ve travelled a lot for the past month. I went to Club Balai Isabel Batangas, Nagsasa-Anawangin Zambales, Sta Victoria Ilagan, Iba Zambales, and Palaui-Sta Ana Cagayan. I don’t know your standard, but for me that’s a lot just for a month. Some of you may be wondering if I’m really that guy because I was a very introvert man. For almost two decades, if people wanted to see me, they may not need an email, a facebook or a cellphone to know where I am. All they need is their loud golden voice to shout and call my name in front of our gate: Kevinnn!! …because we don’t have a buzzer.

In today’s layman’s language,”kumota na ako” (I’ve reached my quota). And it taught me 256 lessons of life that I’m going to share with you.

Okay, I heard you.

I’ll just drop it to 5 lessons of how my pursuit of happiness, how appreciating, adoring and enjoying life has led me to find the love of my life.

1.    Relationships Come and Go on the Road
In my Nagsasa-Anawangin trip, I was with total, completely, undeniably strangers. The only person I truly know was my cousin. Actually, it was my cousin’s group of friend’s way back in college. The place doesn’t have an electricity or network signal so we don’t have a choice but to talk, laugh, cook our own food, discover the place, stargaze and laugh more.

I friend them (thanks to facebook, friend is now a verb). Because of the activities we shared, it was easy for us to become friends.

However, according to Matthew Kepnes, the nature of travel doesn’t always lend itself to long-term relationships. It’s hard to make something last when everyone moves in different directions. But I’ve realized you need to simply enjoy your time together and live in the moment.

2.    But Chase the One You Like
Yet once in a while, you’ll find someone you really connect with. And when you have nowhere to be and no place to go other than where you want, sometimes there is no reason not to follow.

I was in awe by the beauty of nature in Nagsasa. But I couldn’t help my admiration and wonderment to this woman whose smile can melt a cone of ice cream even during winter.

She’s simply beautiful and her sweetness triggered a bulb lit above my head. And an idea popped out, “I want to know her more!”  

She invited me to attend her sister’s wedding a few weeks later after that Nagsasa trip. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to get to know her more and her family.

3.    People are Good
Next trip: Iba, Zambales.

She’s from Iba. And the wedding was held at their hometown. Gosh, I was going to meet her parents. There was this movie I watched where the guy was introduced to the gal’s parents and he experienced like he was eaten alive. Whew!

My story was different. They were very accommodating and fun to be with.

4.    God Knows Best
I asked her to have a summer vacation with me in Sta Ana, Cagayan.

All things were set. We left Manila, Friday at 2pm. We were supposed to arrive Saturday around 1am in Isabela, my hometown, and get the car to drive to Sta Ana for 4 hours. It’s really nice to see the sunrise at the beach.

But something happened. A trailer truck turned upside down and blocked the road leaving the cars and buses no choice but to wait for the response team to clear the area. It took us 10 hours before we were able to pass through.

We know that this is an uncontrollable event. Instead of grumbling and complaining why it happened, it gave us more time to talk, bond and laugh together with other bus passengers. People often say, “Enjoy the journey.”

More bumps in the road and unexpected surprises occurred. And that’s what made it so exciting.

I don’t know why such delay, but I thank God for it. Maybe He is preventing us from danger or He just wants us to feel and say, “The trip was worth it.”

He knows Best!

5.    You have to Let Go of Where You Were to Get Where You Can Be
We arrived at Nangaramoan beach, Sta Ana, Saturday around 9pm. Since the trip was long and tiring, we stargazed a bit and went to sleep.

Sunday morning, it was sunrise at the beach.

But as much as we want to enjoy the beach, we’re really after the island: Palaui Island.

So we had to leave for almost an hour boat ride to the island.

Whoallah! The view was spectacular!

What am I saying?

You have to let go of where you are to get where you want to be.

It’s fun being single. I’ve been enjoying it for the past 23 years. But the moment she said yes to my proposal (as her boyfriend), it’s rapture.




It is God bearing fruit to a dream He has planted into my heart.

But it didn’t happen with just a snap of a finger.  I had to do things I’ve never done before.

To go out and live life to the full.

To enjoy life.

And to trust God that His Will and His Timing is better than ours.

Friends, go out there!

See what’s in store for you.

Enjoy life!

If you're single, who knows? You might find your one true love. 

Cape Engano
Jump shot at Palaui Island

Nangaramoan Beach